
UAE doctors advise residents to monitor their blood pressure regularly

Posted on 10-06-2022

Untreated hypertension can lead to serious health problems, experts say

Medical experts in the UAE discussed the latest developments in the field of vascular diseases in the UAE during a scientific symposium that was held in Dubai, on Wednesday.

In line with this year's World Hypertension Day theme – ‘Measure your Blood Pressure, Control it, Live Longer”' – the event was supported by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP).

The one-day gathering discussed several health topics including the latest developments, the national indicators relating to the disease, and the challenges facing the diagnosis and management of hypertension, in addition to ways to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Medical experts said that people with high blood pressure do not experience any serious symptoms and this makes the lifestyle disease dangerous. They advise residents to monitor their blood pressure regularly.

Dr Neena Rasil, Specialist Family Medicine, Aster Hospital, Mankhool said that hypertension is a serious condition. It is called a silent killer as people do not experience any difficulties, but damages the body from inside.

“Blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure or force of blood pushing against the blood vessel walls. When it is consistently high, the person is said to suffer from hypertension,” explained Dr Rasil.

People with severe blood pressure may experience severe headaches, nosebleeding, fatigue or confusion, vision problems, chest pain, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, and so on, they explained.

“Hypertension is diagnosed when the systolic blood pressure reading over two days show less than or equal to 140mmHg or the diastolic blood pressure on both days show less than or equal to 90mmHg,” said Dr Ahmed Raza Khan, specialist internal medicine at Bareen International Hospital - MBZ city.

Risk factors for developing hypertension

Hereditary factors

The chances of developing hypertension increase with ageing

Eating food high in sodium

Smoking or drinking alcohol

Sedentary lifestyle


People with high blood pressure should be properly manage their condition by following their doctor's directions. Medical experts say that untreated hypertension can lead to serious health problems including:


Heart Attack

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Kidney Disease/Failure

Damage to eyes

Vascular Dementia

Complications during pregnancy

Dr Khan said that changing your lifestyle can assist in controlling excessive blood pressure.

Tips to control hypertension:

Eat foods that are lower in fat, salt, and calories such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains

Avoid foods high in fat and salt such as butter, fatty meats, fried foods, processed foods, salted snacks

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet helps you control hypertension. DASH diet includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet while reducing sodium

Maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoiding tobacco products and alcohol, and engaging in physical activities such as sports or regular exercise

Keeping a healthy weight

If the doctors have prescribed medicines, take them in proper quantities at the right time and regularly monitor the blood pressure.