Ms. Vinty Thomas completed her Bachelor's degree from PSG College of Physical Therapy, Tamil Nadu in the year 2014.
She attained her Master's degree of Orthopedic in the year 2016 from KMCH College of Physical Therapy, Tamil Nadu. With second position in the Orthopedic Master's program in the bath 2016.
She frist started her practice in 2016 as Physical Therapist in Sparsh Hospital, Bangalore, India.
In 2019 she moved to United Arab Emirates to continue her practice as Physical therapist in Al Hosn One Day Surgery Centre, Abudhabi. In 2020 she moved to NMC Specialty Hospital, Abudhabi till date.
Here area of intrest are patients with Orthopaedic disorders, postoperative and post traumatic disorders.
She speaks English, Hindi, Tamil Kannada, Malayalam.