Dr. Ehab Abd El-MeguidAly brings over 34 years of expertise in ENT. He earned his MD in ENT from Monofya Medical College, University of Monofya, Egypt in 2001. His MS. ENT from Zagazig Medical College, University of Zagazig, Egypt in 1991 and MB.CHB form Alexandria Medical College, University of Alexandria, Egypt- in 1985.
Dr. Ehab began his medical career in 1991 as ENT specialist in Alexandria Armed Forces Hospitals. He transitioned to practicing as Consultant & Head of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery Department in 2001- 2013 in Alexandria Armed Forces Hospitals, Egypt. He has served as ENT consultant in united doctors hospital in KSA from 2014 to 2019. and served as Consultant Otolaryngologist at Elaj Medical Center, Ajman ( from October 2019 to June 2024).
His expertise includes Repair of oro-antral fistula, Micro laryngeal removal of cordal polyps, cysts, nodules, carcinoma insitu, juvenile and adult papilloma and others, surgically or using laser, Excision of neck masses, Teflon injection of vocal cords under local and general anesthesia, Excision of ranula (floor of the mouth). Removal of stones from submandibular and parotid glands duct, , Myringoplasty, Fat graft myringoplasty, Cortical mastoidectomy, Exploration of the middle ear (tympanotomy), Turbinectomy, Drainage of orbital abscess, Intra-nasal rhinoplasty, External rhinoplasty; Reduction rhinoplasty, Augmentation rhinoplasty ,ENT emergency Procedures & Surgeries ENT Office – based Procedures and much more.
Dr. Ehab is committed to providing exceptional patient care and advancing the field of Otorhinolaryngology through his extensive experience and specialized skills.
- Front-ethmoidectomy.
- Trephine frontal sinus
- External rhinoplasty
- Reduction rhinoplasty
- Augmentation rhinoplasty
- Nasal Polypectomy
- Functional Endoscopic sinus surgery
- Reduction of fractured nasal bones
- Removal of foreign body
- Adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy
- Excision of pharyngeal cysts
- Removal of stones from submandibular and parotid glands duct
- Excision of neck masses
- Removal of different foreign bodies from external ear canal
- Pinnaplasty
- Removal of osteoma and exostosis (external ear canal)
- Myringotomy
- Myringoplasty
- Fat graft myringoplasty
- Cortical mastoidectomy