Dr. Sufiyan Pottanpulan is an energetic medical professional working as a GP Dermatologist at NMC Medical Centre, Ajman. He comes with an excellent clinical experience of 9 plus years in his field.
Dr. Sufiyan completed her MBBS from China Three Gorges University in Yichang, China. He also completed her Foreign Medical Graduation Examination in India.
He has extensive experience servicing reputed healthcare institutions in the government and Private sectors. His area of expertise includes suturing, catheterization, toenail removal, removal of foreign bodies from the eye, the ear & the nose, nasogastric intubation, endotracheal intubation, thoracentesis, abdominocentesis, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation. Dr. Sufiyan has also published in the “European Journal Pharmacy Medical Research”.
Our medical specialists ensure top-class healthcare service and trust in delivering the latest evidence-based Medicine for Management. At NMC, we make it our core to deliver the best-in-class services keeping in mind our patient's physical and emotional well-being.