Dr. Somansu Basu completed his MBBS in 1997 from Calcutta Medical College, University of Calcutta, West Bengal and MD from University of Delhi, Delhi in 2002. He has completed Fellowship training from distinguished Institute Pasteur, Paris (France) in the field of medical mycology and molecular biology. In the year 2014 Dr. Basu earned Diploma in Medical Mycology (DMM) from Institute Pasteur, France and Certification from CBIC Board in infection control and Epidemiology (CIC) from USA. He has obtained Antibiotic Stewardship combined certification in 2018 from University of Dundee and British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
Dr. Basu is an expert in Medical Microbiology, Medical Mycology, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Antibiotic Stewardship, Quality Accreditation with an experience of more than 20 years in the field. He has worked on Real time PCR based amplification technology for diagnosis of SARS CoV 2, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Hepatitis B and C virus, HIV, Aspergillus, Candida and Cryptococcus. In addition he has also worked on latest technologies such as genome sequencing, molecular beacons and MALDI TOF-MS.
He holds international professional membership of American Society For Microbiology (ASM), Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM), International Society for Infectious Disease (ISID) and also of Indian Association for Medical Microbiology (IAMM) as well as Society for Human and Animal Mycology (SIHAM).
He has published more than 30 papers in renowned international journals and has presented papers at various national and international medical conferences and seminars. He won best paper presentation award on molecular microbiology.
He completed many professional courses on a regular basis viz. Royal College of Pathologist (UK) accredited workshop on Microbiology and Infection Control, PCR in Diagnostic Microbiology, Update on Antibiotic resistance from laboratory to clinical practice, Infectious Disease and Infection Control, Quality management system in Analytical Laboratories, EHSMS internal auditor training, Validation- getting the basics right and Oman Medical Journal Scientific Writing and Peer Review.
Dr. Basu received award from Ministry of Health Oman for his contribution and effort in promoting health by conducting research work and paper presentation in health services.
Dr Basu is actively contributing in the hospital for achieving JCIA and ISO-15189 accreditations.
Dr. Basu speaks in English, Hindi, Bengali and Arabic.