Dr. Karthikeyan Dakshinamoorthy is a specialist in Internal Medicine with over 5 years of experience. Dr. Karthikeyan has pursued his MD in Internal Medicine from Madurai Medical College, Madurai, India. He did his Senior Residency at JIPMER, Puducherry, India. He has immense experience in treating patients with Bronchial asthma, Tropical infections, Hypertension, Thyroid disorders and Diabetes Mellitus. He worked at a 600 bedded tertiary care hospital where he managed all kinds of medical emergencies and internal medicine cases.
He is trained and well expertised in procedures like endotracheal intubation, bone marrow aspiration, Pleurocentesis, abdominal paracentesis and lumbar puncture. He has experience in treating medical disorders in pregnancy and has worked in medicine ICU. He has published various international research papers.
Dr. Karthikeyan speaks English, Tamil and Hindi.