
Bittu Saira Koshy

GP Dentist

  • Specialty
    • Dentistry
    • General Medicine
  • Nationality
    • Indian
  • Language
    • English
    • Malayalam
    • Tamil
  • Experience
    • 5
  • Practice Locations
    • NMC Royal Dental Centre

Dr Bittu Saira Koshy is an energetic medical professional working as a General Dentist at NMC Royal Medical Centre, RAK. She comes with an excellent clinical experience of 5 plus years in her medical speciality.

Dr Bittu graduated from the prestigious college of Saveetha Dental College and Meenakshi Ammal Dental College in Chennai. She has published two papers while getting her experience in the healthcare industry.

Her main interests are in treating gum diseases of her patients and helping them achieve beautiful smiles. She has experience in Flap Surgeries, Root Planning and Curettage, Recession Coverage, Gingival Depigmentation and Laser-assisted surgeries related to gums. Her area of expertise goes further into routine dental procedures such as dental scaling and polishing, tooth extractions and dental restorations.

She comes across as a warm, gentle, and friendly Doctor and her work displays a passion to improve and provide optimal dental care to her patients.

Our medical specialists ensure top-class healthcare service and trust in delivering the latest evidence-based Medicine for Management. At NMC, we make it our core to deliver the best-in-class services keeping in mind our patient's physical and emotional well-being.

Practice Locations

NMC Royal Dental Centre 

NMC Royal Dental Centre

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