Dr Afrah Abdurahiman is a talented, multilingual General Practitioner having experience in this field since 7 years. She is a reliable doctor. She is soft-spoken and a versatile doctor. She believes in approaching women's health in a holistic, modern and judgement-free manner.
She gained her degree in MBBS from Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala in India and has profound interest in treating skin disorders, infectious diseases, allergies. She also manages other health issues such as Diabetes, Hypertension, giving general advice - such as family planning advice and mental health advice and performing minor surgical procedures to name a few.
When she is not honing her different clinical skills, Dr. Afrah likes to read. She also has a keen interest in sculpting her ideas and blogging.
Our medical professionals make sure the patient receives top-notch healthcare services. Providing high-class facilities for the physical and emotional well-being of the patient is the cornerstone of NMC Medical Centre.