Dr. Adel El-Naggar has completed Bachelors in Medicine & Surgery; MBBCh (Ain Shams University), Master/MD of internal medicine & endocrinology (Ain Shams University), post-graduate Diabetes Endocrine Obesity from UK (Saint Andrew University & Royal Collage of Physician Edinburgh), Advanced practical courses Diabetes-Endocrinology & Obesity from USA, Denmark, UK and France.
Dr. Adel has vast experience of over 17 years in the field of Diabetology & Endocrinology & Obesity in United Kingdom and Middle East (Gulf; KSA &UAE).
Dr. Adel Elnaggar areas of expertise include:
- Diabetes (T1DM/T2DM) Adult, children and Pediatric (New Recent Cardio-metabolic risk Reduction Management for Diabetes According to Recent international Guidelines)
- Gestational diabetes & diabetes with pregnancy.
- Obesity Expert Causality – Medical Management (Adult & Pediatrics).
- Thyroid gland Diseases & Tumors Management (Adult & Pediatrics).
- Pituitary gland Diseases & Tumors Management (Adult & Pediatrics).
- Adrenal gland Diseases & Tumors Management (Adult & Pediatrics).
- Reproductive endocrinology.
- Neuro-Endocrinology & Endocrinology Tumors.
- Poly Cystic Ovarian Diseases & Hirstuism.
- Testicular hypo function, hypogonadism and hormonal Gynecomastia.
- Female health, Endocrine and hormones disorders &.
- Internal medicine, chronic diseases and general check-up.
Dr. Adel has several publications/researches to his credit including the latest, “Diabetes management in cases with social-economic barriers” & “psychological aspects of management of diabetes & obesity”. He also has Several Member-ships in ADA (American Diabetes Association), EASD (European association of Study of Diabetes), AACE (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists), GAED (Gulf Association of Endocrinology and Diabetes) and National Egyptian/Emirates/Saudi/ UK Diabetes/Endocrine Association.
Dr. Adel speaks Arabic & English.