
Centre for Advanced Head and Neck Surgery and Reconstruction


Head and Neck Surgeries at NMC

Head and neck is the most prominent and exposed part of human body. It houses some of the most vital organs and performs some very important functions and is an index of a person’s personality.

Surgery and management of this region of the human body poses many unique challenges for the treating surgeon namely:

  • Management of airway
  • Maintaining adequate function of the vital structures like brain, eyes, oral cavity and major nerves and blood vessels.
  • Maintaining aesthetic integrity of the face so that the patient can be quickly and completely rehabilitated back into the society with minimum morbidity
  • Providing function to areas of face which may be affected by cancer or surgery like speech, chewing, swallowing and smiling.

Achieving all these goals by a single doctor is not possible and requires an expert team of varied specialists with adequate training and experience. At NMC group of hospitals, Dubai, a team of expert doctors with multitude of specialities, performs all forms of Advanced Head and Neck Surgeries.

The Scope of Services

  • Surgical Management of complex craniofacial trauma including Secondary Reconstruction for Aesthetic Deformity correction.
  • Surgery and management of benign pathologies of the Head and Neck region including the orbits and peri-ocular region.
  • Surgery and management of malignant pathologies of the head and neck region including reconstruction with Microvascular Tissue Transfer Surgery.
  • Management of pathologies of the salivary glands and thyroid disorders.
  • Use of advanced 3D technology for diagnosis planning and Reconstruction of complex pathologies of the Head Face and Neck region.


Sukrith Shetty
DrSukrith Shetty

General and Laparoscopic Surgery, Oncology

NMC Royal Hospital Sharjah

Suhail Maqbool Mir
DrSuhail Maqbool Mir

ENT, Head and Neck Surgery

NMC Specialty Hospital - Dubai Investments Park

Sonam Garg
DrSonam Garg


NMC Royal Hospital, DIP


NMC Royal Hospital, DIP, Dubai

The NMC Royal Hospital, Dubai Investments Park (DIP) is located opposite the Green Community in DIP and easily accessible for Sheik Mohammed Bin Zayed Road (Old Emirates Road) & will be the largest hospital serving this under served area of Dubai. The hospital has a total area of 17,695 sq. meters.