Dr. Hussein Kandil, a new member to Fakih IVF family joins from Lebanon. Dr. Kandil is a urologist specialising in male reproductive and sexual medicine, graduated from the division of urology at St. George Hospital University Medical Centre, in affiliation with Balamand university, Lebanon.
He completed his residency at the division of urology at Pontoise regional hospital and Lens university hospital in France, and earned his Diploma in Urology in 2008. After completing his residency in 2009, he joined the division of urology of the University of Illinois at Chicago for a Fellowship in Andrology, which is the field of urology that specialises in the management of male infertility and sexual dysfunction.
In 2017, Dr. Hussein Kandil earned the Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons, and received the title FACS.
Over the recent years, Dr. Kandil has become a known figure in the field of male reproductive medicine namely, male infertility and sexual dysfunction and has been an active contributor and a participant to different medical societies presenting many conferences at the national and international levels, sharing his expertise in the realm of male reproductive medicine.
His area of interest lies in is utilization of microsurgery in the surgical management of male infertility, e.g. Micro dissection Testicular Sperm Extraction, also known as MTESE in the management of Non- Obstructive Azoospermia, and has special interest in male reproductive endocrine disorders.
Dr. Kandil expertise encompasses the medical and surgical treatment of the various prostate diseases including laser therapy for enlarged prostate glands, in addition to the medical and surgical management of sexual dysfunction.
In addition to physical consultations, Dr. Kandil has an active online presence, having created an online blog called ‘Your Male Doctor Blog’, with over 14 thousand viewers and participants. www.yourmaledoctor.com
Dr. Kandil has authored and published on Amazon a public manual in English and Arabic, called ‘The Male: Pearls of Hope in Male Infertility’, which is a manual that guides males through their journey of male infertility.