Dr Silky Mehta is an experienced medical professional working as a GP Dentist at NMC Medical Centre. She comes with an excellent clinical experience of 7 plus years in her medical speciality.
Dr Silky completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery and persuaded her Masters in Dental Surgery from Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences.
She has experience in handling both minimal intervention cases such as Topical Fluroid Application, Resin Infiltration, Hall Technique and Silver Diamine Fluoride, as well as conventional cases like Apexification and Apexogenesis, Pulpotomy and Pulpectomy, Trauma Management cases, Re-attachment of Broken Tooth and complete restoration, Reimplantation of Avulsed Tooth, Splinting of mobile teeth, Placement of customized & pre-fabricated Tooth, Post & Care, Placement of stainless steel crown/ Zirconia crown/ Luxa crown/ Strip Crown, Placement of Anterior & Posterior FPD. Additionally, she has performed Ortho-Pedo cases as well including all 4 Premolar extraction cases in Conventional fixed Orthodontic Connection of Malocclusion, 2 by 4 and 2 by 6 appliances, Fabrication of all kinds of fixed and removable appliances and Fabrication of Night guards as well as a Sport teeth guard. She has also performed cases of conscious sedation on her patients.
Dr Silky has conducted research studies in her medical tenure, she has done a clinical study to compare the effects of manual instrumentation, Rotary files and Prime Paedo Files on Pain, Time taken and Quality of Obtention during Endodontic treatment for Primary Teeth. She has also compared mobile applications for maintaining Oral Health.
She has also published articles on Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED). Turning Useless into Miracle: A Review Article. Discolouration of teeth: A Literature Review. Rotary Endodontics in Paediatric Dentistry: Literature Review. Tooth Regeneration: Turning Hopes into Realities, Toothbrush, Its Design & Modification: An Overview.
Dr Silky also has certification in Basic Life Support Training by the American Safety & Health Insurance. And in the Nitrous Oxide Conscious Sedation Hands-on Course.
She is fluent in English & Hindi.