
Marwa ElAjami

Specialist Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  • التخصص
    • الجنسية
      • اللغة
        • خبرة
          • 17
        • مواقع الممارسة
          • مستشفى كوزمسيرج، جميرا

        I am a UK graduate with a MRCP certificate from Ireland and an American Professional Diploma in Aesthetic Gynecology. In my experience of 17 years, I have worked across Middle East region including Egypt, Saudi Arabia Bahrain, and UAE.

        I have an extensive experience in obstetrics as well as cosmetic gynaecology. My obstetric knowledge and experience help me in early detection of my patient concerns which facilitates the treatment process.

        I have had considerable experiences in caring for women with medical disorders in pregnancy and follow up the cases of high-risk pregnancy. I am experienced in the management of obstetric emergencies, such as shoulder dystocia, cord prolapse, ante- and post-partum haemorrhage, preterm labour and Pre- eclampsia/eclampsia. I have had the privilege of working under supervision of a Germany board certified consultant to manage the gynecologic cancer cases.

        I also have a special interest in cosmetic treatments like laser vaginal rejuvenation, Plasma therapy, Labial augmentation with Hyaluronic acids fillers and Vulvar rejuvenation by PRP and Derma-pen technique. I treated many patients suffering from vaginismus.

        I am always invested in my patient journey from start to end and ensure that they have an experience that does not disappoint them.


        • Vaginal Tightening (surgical and non-surgical)

        • Genital Platelets Rich Plasma injection

        • Anti-Aging and Stem-cell therapy for the genital organs

        • Genital Fillers and Peeling

        • Aesthetic Surgical correction of the private area

        • Polycystic ovaries treatment

        • Fertility treatment

        • Menstrual disorder management

        • Disorders of Puberty

        • Menopausal associated disorders

        • Colposcopy and cervical screening

        • Family planning counselling and methods use

        • Hysteroscopic surgeries

        • High-risk pregnancy management

        • Cesarean section and normal deliveries

        • Hysteroscopic surgeries

        • Ectopic and miscarriage management


        • MBChB, Cairo University Egypt (2005)

        • Membership of the Royal College of Physician of Ireland (MRCPI) (2016)

        • Associate of the Royal college of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists

        Languages Known: English & Arabic.

        مواقع الممارسة

        مستشفى كوزمسيرج، جميرا 

        مستشفى كوزمسيرج، جميرا
