
Faaris Ahamed Leon

General Practitioner

  • التخصص
    • الجنسية
      • اللغة
        • خبرة
          • 9
        • مواقع الممارسة
          • مركز أن أم سي الطبي، القوز

        I am an accomplished General Practitioner with 9 years overall experience in the industry with 3 and a half years in UAE. I have completed my MBBS degree at Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India. I believe Medical Practice is a noble profession that requires each individual to perform their duties and responsibilities with full commitment. I have a good rapport with my patients and is known for my commitment and utmost care towards each and every patient around the community. I have great ability and management skills to face and communicate with my patients and my team mates. I am proficient in managing acute emergency patients , infectious dieases and communicable diseases. I do have a good intensive care background and can perform acute emergency management at ease. I can speak a multiple languages at ease and can see various ethnicity and religious groups. I am well known among the community and is jovial and simple in nature among friends , family and my patients.

        Work Experience:

        9 years of work experience with 3 and a half years in UAE

        University and Medical School:

        • Pondicherry University.

        • Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, India.

        Languages known:

        • English fluent.

        • Malayalam fluent.

        • Hindu fluent.

        • Tamil fluent.


        • Intensive care and Emergencies.

        • Infectious diseases.

        • Communicable and Non communicable diseases.

        • Minor Surgical Procedures.

        • Diabetes and Hypertension.

        • Paediatrics.


        مواقع الممارسة

        مركز أن أم سي الطبي، القوز 

        مركز أن أم سي الطبي، القوز
